T-Systems MyKidio app
MyKidio app was focused on using BMW car dashboard integration to help parents keep kids entertained on long car journeys. The app allowed children in the back to watch videos or listen to audiobooks on a phone or tablet, and their parents to control content from the dashboard. It also provided various pieces of telemetry from the car dashboard to keep children engaged. Outside the car, the app behaved like a conventional video/audiobook app for streaming and downloading content, with a focus on making it easy to use for young children.
Digital Designer UX/UI
Digital Designer UX/UI
Designed a user interface focused on the youngest app users, age 3 - 13 years old.
Designed a user interface focused on the youngest app users, age 3 - 13 years old.
Saffron Digital, 2013
Saffron Digital, 2013